Nothing dangerous
We make sure every day to rid our system of possible redirects, viruses and malware, and with https enabled it's as safe as they come
Convert YouTube videos to MP3 (and MP4) free, no software needed, no subscription, for everyone.
Try search videos from here. Or paste a link from clipboard in here.
Check out top 30 music videos charts.
OnlineVideoConverter (or OVC for short) is the old & traditional place. Here we like to think that all online videos are free for all, so we help all download them for free. We support nearly 1000 websites and social networks, videos from those can be downloaded and converted to MP3, MP4, MKV, etc. ALl we need is to know where video is located, that's why your part is bringing the URL address of the page to us. You can copy it from browser address bar; you can use social Share button on the video page to Copy Link from the menu; you can even use our Shortcut Bookmark below to automate the copy-paste step and have it handled by browser; most importantly - we need that URL and without it we won't work. Unless you're dealing with YouTube, which we can actually search videos right from here, type in something above in that menu and search videos..
We make sure every day to rid our system of possible redirects, viruses and malware, and with https enabled it's as safe as they come
Don't waste your valuable monthly data to transfer large video and audio files without WiFi, - better send file to your cloud account
OVC works on all platforms, all operational systems, as long as there's a visual browser & access to the Internet, a web-app of sorts
The way it works first in 3 easy to remember steps: copy video URL, submit it to our system, select format and start converting video
OVC supports many audio and video formats including but not limited to MP3, 3GP, MP4, M4A, FLV, WEBM, etc. We even know animated GIFs
Do not worry, download and convert videos as much as you like, we don't limit anything and we don't track your activities, truly free
OVC is your best friend when it comes to downloading online videos from over a thousand different websites, apps and social networks. All we need is a URL address of the video. Or a link, as they sometimes say. Link is the address of the video that you can send to a friend and they can find it this way. Most big networks do that, to ensure cross-platform access, social sharing and indexability by search enbgines. And so usually all videos have Share menu, and there you can usually Copy Link or similar..
Otherwise we support a wide array of websites and social networks that sport their own hosted videos. Be that big depositories like YouTube, Coub, Vimeo, Daily, Rutube; or more of amateur networks like Lynda, TikTok, Aparat; or forums & social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Vkontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Reddit, Imgur; and many many others. To know for sure - give us a link..
Add to Home Screen
On Android and Windows appliances try click the button below to install our app. It's not necessary or in any way essential to have the app, you can always access this website, and that's exactly what the app does..
Same thing here, nothing special, just a bookmark that you can save (drag and drop works) to your browser's Bookmarks section, and later press when you find some video to download, it skips the copy-paste step for you.